htb pc writeup
category: web
difficulty: easy
Hello, and welcome to another walkthrough of a htb machine.
When you run a port scan on the target we get port 22 open , a full port scan reveals port 50015 that nmap cannot tell the service which it is running
a little reserarch i found out that the service is grpc » for more datails of what it is here
To interect with grpc we need some tools one of them is called grpcurl and there is also grpcui
They are golang application so you need to have goland installed on your machine.
In this procudure i am going to use grpcui , the difference between the two is one has ui and the other is cli.
we create a new user test:test, we login in and are given a jwt token. I f we make a request to the getinfo() we receive response as shown below.
There is an id field we can try different ids and it returns an error , if you append a single quot it returns a format error , this is a good indicator of sqli.
I saved the request in a file and fired up sqlmap
I added * next to the id number to tell sqlmap to test that field . NOTE: if you dont do this sqlmap will run tests on the outer json only.
Here are the tables and data of table accounts
We can login to ssh as the user sau. The we read user.txt
I uploaded to the target and ran it , I found out that there was a webserver listening on port To access it on our machine we can use a technique known as ssh port forwarding.
Visiting the url we find out it is a login page of pyload. Since we dont have login creds , I searched for exploits aganist pyload and luckily there is an unathenticated rce.
I used this exploit to understand more on how i works , here.
Running the exploit we get are root :() and we can read root.txt.
REFERENCES for gprc and other ways to expoit it: