HTB surveillance
Writeup for htb surveillnace box
rated: medium category: web
Nmap Scan
A cms is running in port 80 , craft cms
It is vulnerable to rce CVE-2023-41892
There are 2 :
- matthew
- zoneminder
Further enumartion we get a backup file surveillance–2023-10-17-202801– It has a sql backup of the database , here we get creds for the user matthew.
user.txt 260ecc03cedb8e78d80a6658b5b22eac
We also get the creda for zoneminder in the ZoneMinder config files password : ZoneMinderPassword2023
Zoneminder is a service running on port 8080, So we tunnel using ssh to access it.
It is vulnerable to rce CVE-2023-26035
To escalate priviledges and read root flag
root.txt 13630834b0c9c6f122557097788d8e25